1.What is loyalty points ?
Loyalty points is our virtual currency on AprilLaceWigs.com, it's design for our honorific customers, when you brower a wig that you love, you can see how many loyalty points you can get, Like:
Our Rules is :
$10 = 1 point
1 point = $0.2 discount
(Points are available and used for online orders ONLY.
Points codes cannot be credited; points codes cannot be used to offset price difference. )
2.How to use my loyalty points
Once your order is completed and shipped, you can get loyalty points immediately.
Firstly, login our website using your account infomation, you can see My account in top-left block.
Click "My loyalty points", you can see all points which you earn from each order.
Secondly, after we ship the order to you, the status should be "Available", Like this:
Then you can click the link to convert points to codes
(The coverted codes can be found in ur account "My Loyalty Points")
Finally, When you buy wigs next time , you can input the codes voucher box:
It's done, Enjoy your shopping !!