April lace wigs is silk top experts. We sell all kinds of silk top wigs: lace front wig, full lace wig, 360 wig, closures, toppers, they all come in with silk top. We also can make full silk cap wig. However, Many customers don’t know whay the silk top is and the benefit to have silk top/silk base on a wig. So let’s see:
What’s the silk top?
Silk top is also called silk base. Silk Base is the newest innovation to lace wigs. The base is made from 2 special lace pieces (one on top and one on bottom). The hair is tied using reverse ventilation, which involves tying the hair from the bottom to the top so the knots are hidden in the bottom lace. This gives the appearance that the hair is growing directly from the scalp. the below silk material is for silk top. We have four colors of silk top to matches customers with different skin colors. Customers can choose silk top color/lace color according to own skin color.
After being made into a silk top on wigs
What’s the benefit of silk top? — What’s the difference between lace wig and silk top wig?
You may not see the difference/benefit from last pics. But you can check the below picture. It shows the difference of parting between lace wig and silk top wig.
You can see it’s just like that the hairs just grow from scalp.
Here are customers’ pictures with our silk top wigs and closures.
Though silk top is not the only to make lace wigs natural and it costs more, It is the best way for first-time wig users. Because they don’t need to do more work after they receive the hair.
Welcome to our website and join our fans group of silk top wigs. www.aprillacewigs.com